Way of St. James South Tyrol through Andriano
Way of St James stages:
Stage no. 9: Soprabolzano – Bolzano – Andriano
Andriano is the finish of stage no. 9 of the Way of St. James South Tyrol. The stage starts in Soprabolzano, leads via the South Tyrolean capital Bolzano into Oltradige to Riva di Sotto (municipality of Appiano) and finally on trail no. 2 to Andriano.
Stage no. 10: Andriano-Sirmiano-Grissiano-Prissiano-Tesimo-Lana
The 10th stage of the pilgrimage hike leads up to Sirmiano and the Chiesa di S. Apollonia on trails no. 5 and 5B and then on trail no. 9. Continue on trail no. 8A to Chiesa di S. Giacomo in Grissiano. Then descend to Prissiano and Tesimo, to the Chiesetta di S. Ippolito and along a beautiful forest trail to Lana.
St. Jakob Kirche in Grissian